Thursday, December 26, 2019

Definition and Examples of Back Slang

Back slang is a form of slang in which words are spoken and/or spelled backward. According to  lexicographer Eric Partridge, back slang was popular with the costermongers (street-vendors) in Victorian London. The hallmark of their speech, Partridge said, is the frequency with which they turn words (normal or slangy) into back-slang . . .. The general rule is to spell a word backwards, and then, ideally, to employ the pronunciation approaching the closest to that often impossible arrangement of letters  (Slang Today and Yesterday, 1960). The costermongers themselves referred to back slang as kacab genals.Like rhyming slang, back slang started out as subterfuge, says MIchael Adams, but soon became language games you could play for fun (Slang: The Peoples Poetry, 2009). Examples and Observations If you really want to speak freely around those who shouldnt know your secrets, learn how to form back slang or center slang. When you are next in your local, order a top o reeb  instead of pot of beer, but hope that the bartender understands the slang, or you may be eighty-sixed for the whole kew week. Dont blame the bartender, though, who may not be the right nosper person for the bloomin emag bloomin game.(Michael Adams,  Slang: The Peoples Poetry. Oxford University Press, 2009) Arbitrary Spelling Conventions Back slang is a language constructed on lines—I venture to hint illogical lines—of its own. The initial idea is that all words are to be pronounced backwards; for instance, instead of saying no you say on, for bad man you say dab nam. But you have not proceeded far before you find that the initial idea breaks down. Penny, reversed, would be ynnep, the back slangster says yennup. Evig em a yennup, is his version of Give me a penny. . . . It would be impossible for an English tongue to pronounce many of our words backwards. How would you pronounce night or drink backwards, leaving the spelling as it is? not to speak of more difficult examples. The result is that the back slangster adopts not only an arbitrary spelling, but also an arbitrary pronunciation of his own. (Slang. All the Year Round: A Weekly Journal Conducted by Charles Dickens, November  25, 1893) The Language of Tradesmen and ChildrenBack-slang proper, sometimes employed by barrow-boys and hawkers, and indigenous to certain trades such as the greengrocers and the butchers, where it is spoken to ensure that the customer shall not understand what is being said (Evig reh emos delo garcs dene--Give her some old scrag end) consists simply of saying each word backwards, and when this is impossible saying the name of the letter instead of its sound, usually the first or the last letter, thus: Uoy nac ees reh screckin ginwosh (You can see her knickers showing). An Enfield master reports that he found at least half a dozen boys who could talk it quickly.(Iona and Peter Opie, The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford University Press, 1959) Secret Languages Secret languages . . . have an obvious appeal for those who have something to hide. One language used by African slaves, called TUT, was based on phonetics, and used to help teach children to read. Victorian market traders, meanwhile, are thought to have dreamed up back slang—in which a word is spoken backwards, giving us yob for boy--in order to single out customers on whom to palm off shoddy goods. (Laura Barnett, Why We All Need Our Own Secret Slang. The Guardian [UK], June 9, 2009) A 19th-Century Report on Back Slang This back language, back slang, or kacab genals, as it is called by the costermongers themselves, is supposed to be regarded by the rising generation of street-sellers as a distinct and regular mode of intercommunication. People who hear this slang for the first time never refer words, by inverting them, to their originals; and the yanneps, esclops, and nammows, are looked upon as secret terms. Those who practice the slang soon obtain a considerable stock vocabulary, so that they converse rather from the memory than the understanding. Amongst the senior costermongers, and those who pride themselves on their proficiency in back slang, a conversation is  often sustained for a whole evening—that is, the chief words are in the back slang—especially if any flats are present whom they wish to astonish or confuse. . . The back slang has been in vogue for many years. It is . . . very easily acquired, and is principally used by the costermongers and others who practice it . . . for communicating the secrets of their street tradings, the cost of and profit on goods, and for keeping their natural enemies, the police, in the dark.(The Slang Dictionary: Etymological, Historical, and Anecdotal, rev. ed.,  1874)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Accepting Autism Receiving Autism - 1510 Words

Accepting Autism While at school in his transitional kindergarten class, Avery becomes increasingly frustrated with himself and suddenly begins to have what others would call a tantrum. Avery’s frustration gets the best of him, and he slaps himself. Other students suddenly stop what they are doing and they watch their classmate. Little do they know that he cannot express himself in the same way that they can; he cannot let go of his frustrations and other emotions as well as they can. They simply do not understand or have a knowledge of what is truly happening in their small classroom. Avery’s classmates laugh at him, and their laughter only makes his frustration worse. The teacher finally becomes aware of the situation and tells the other students to go to recess. Mrs. Green sits with Avery and tells him everything is fine and that their is no reason to be frustrated. Mrs. Green’s efforts to soothe the five year old are not as effective as she had hoped. Avery c alms some, but is still shaking. Mrs. Green gives Avery something to drink and says to him, â€Å"I see that you were frustrated. I do not want you to feel upset, we are going to say five things that you did well today.† Avery looks at her with tears in his eyes. Mrs Green then said, â€Å"One, you put your bag in your cubby without making a mess. Two, you were quiet when we had carpet time. Three, you colored inside the lines. Four, you wrote your name perfectly. Five, you helped Jaycee pick up her crayons when she droppedShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Special Needs Athletes During The Raleigh County Special Olympics854 Words   |  4 Pagesathletes the basic skills of basketball, they actually taught me more than I could have imagined through their positive outlooks, patience with themselves and toward others, and their kindness in general. Many of the athletes presented with symptoms of autism spectrum disorder and it was apparent that one athlete had down syndrome. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tinker V Des Moines Kuhlmieir V Hazelwood free essay sample

Tinker V. Des Moines, Kuhlmieir V. Hazelwood Essay, Research Paper Tinker v. Des Moines, Kuhlmieir v. Hazelwood Scott Nagao 3/10/97 Period 7 About 32 old ages ago, in December of 1965, a group of grownups and pupils from Des Moines, Iowa gathered to demo their disfavor towards American engagement in the Vietnam War. They decided to have on black armbands and fast on December 16 and 31 to show at that place point. When the principals of the Des Moines School System found out their programs, they decided to suspend anyone who took portion in this type of protest. On December 16 # 8211 ; 17 three Tinker siblings and several of their friends were suspended for have oning the armbands. All of them did non return to school until after New Years Day. Acting through their parents, the Tinkers and some other pupils went to the Federal District Court, inquiring for an injunction to be issued by Iowa. This tribunal refused the thought, coercing them to take the instance to the Supreme Court. After hearing their instance, the Supreme Court agreed with the Tinkers. They said that have oning black armbands was a soundless signifier of look and that pupils do non hold to give up their 1st Amendment rights at school. This landmark Supreme Court instance was known as Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District. From the instance of Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. School Board evidently came some conflicting point of views about the armbands. The school board said that no one has the absolute right to freedom of look, where the Tinkers said that merely censoring armbands and non other political symbols was unconstitutional. The school board said that the armbands were riotous to the acquisition environment, where the Tinkers said they were non. Finally, the school board said that order in the schoolroom, where political contention should be discussed, is entitled to constitutional protection. The Tinkers believed that the armbands were worn as the pupils positions, and hence should be constitutionally protected and respected by the school. These were all of import statements in the instance. Personally, I agree with the Supreme Court # 8217 ; s determination to continue the 1st Amendment rights of the pupils in school. Why shouldn # 8217 ; t pupils have the same rights as other people? If the pupils wore obscene vesture, ran out of schoolrooms, or put the school on fire in protest of the war, so yes, I could see disciplinary action being taken against them. However, the Tinkers merely wore black armbands. Because this was non riotous or obscene, I feel the school should non hold punished them. Another landmark Supreme Court determination came in 1988 in the instance of Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier. In 1983 the principal of Hazelwood East High School removed two articles from the school newspaper. He objected to these articles because they described three pupils # 8217 ; experiences with gestation and divorce. He felt that subjects such as these would be inappropriate for pupil readers. The school board voted in favour of the principal # 8217 ; s action. Cathy Kuhlmeier and several other pupils sued the school territory in the U.S. District Court of St. Louis. Despite claiming that their 1st and 14th Amendment rights had been violated, the Court found no misdemeanors. After taking the instance to the United States Court of Appeals, their instance was taken to United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, nevertheless, besides upheld the principal # 8217 ; s actions happening no misdemeanor of their rights. They said that because the newspaper was run by school functionaries, that it could be controlled by them, # 8220 ; so long as their actions? related to legalize pedagogical concerns? # 8221 ; . This instance besides had some statements to see. The school territory said that pupils # 8217 ; rights are non violated when pedagogues use editorial control for educational grounds. Kuhlmeier believed that this was unconstitutional. The school territory said that because the paper was non a public forum that censoring was appropriate. Kuhlmeier believed that the paper was a public forum, hence, she should be able to show her sentiment to the community. Finally Hazelwood School District believed that pedagogues were responsible for commanding school publications because they reflect on the school itself. Kuhlmeier believed that commanding school publications stifled the pupils # 8217 ; free idea and looks ; it limited them to merely school-approved topics or sentiments. In this instance, I agree with Cathy Kuhlmeier. I am non stating that certain topics such as obscene and non-school related subjects shouldn # 8217 ; t be censored, because they should. However, in Kuhlmeier # 8217 ; s instance, I feel that gestation and divorce are issues that face pupils at school. Because of this, I believe that the principal # 8217 ; s actions were incorrect, and that the articles should have been published. In comparing, both of these instances shared some really similar qualities. Both instances were composed of a pupil versus a school territory. Both instances ended up in the Supreme Court. But the biggest similarity was that both instances concerned pupils # 8217 ; rights at school, chiefly the 1st and 14th Amendment, the freedom of look. Both complainants felt that their rights were being violated by the determinations and actions made by the school territories. In contrast, the clip periods in which these instances took topographic point were really different. In the 1960 # 8217 ; s, the war in Vietnam was traveling on, and there were a batch of controversial issues and point of views confronting pupils at schools. In the 1980 # 8217 ; s, the war was over and at that place weren # 8217 ; t as many controversial issues environing pupils # 8217 ; rights. One instance involved freedom of look through a school newspaper, the other through articles of vesture, but the major difference between the two instances were the determinations made by the U.S. Supreme Court. They agreed with the Tinkers in the belief that freedom of look through armbands was O.K. . However, they disagreed with Cathy Kuhlmeier # 8217 ; s belief in freedom of look through a alleged public forum. As a pupil, I believe that freedom of look is one of our most of import rights. Without this right people won # 8217 ; Ts know who we are ; they won # 8217 ; T understand our coevals. Because of the many different definitions of freedom of look, people will ever be in contention over them. Let # 8217 ; s hope that our school territory neer faces a job every bit large as the 1s presented in this paper.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Political Values and Implications of Genesis

For us to know clearly the controversy or the relationship if there is any, between the book of Genesis and Political Philosophy, we will look at the work of Thomas Pangle. This is in his book Political Philosophy and the God of Abraham. This book is of great importance and considerable merit. Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Political Values and Implications of Genesis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the book, Pangle majorly inquires into the subtly intelligent relationship, if there is, between the traditional political philosophy founded in Socrates and the revelation in the Hebrew Bible. His purpose is determined — to settle on nothing less, but to reinvigorate what he depicts as â€Å"the encounter between political philosophy and the Bible† (Pangle 1). This is at the topmost intellectual level. If one knows Strauss’s work, he or she would identify Pangle’s thinking, whic h sees the divide between philosophical manifestation and biblical faith. Philosophical reflection is the approach of understanding the whole, with the human mind without any external assistance. The biblical faith approach is painstaking submission of both mind and heart to the Law of God. Both Pangle and Strauss agree that the antagonism that exists between the two is fruitful for both views, especial in the fact that both clearly show the human possibility projected by the other. They differ when Strauss sticks to the fact that human reason is sufficient to make one reach the goals of his life. Pangle decides to take the study of the Bible seriously in order to expose it in a better way. He keeps quiet about pronouncing relationship between philosophy and the Bible, probably for political reasons. He is very serious with political philosophy, and similarly with the intelligent facts in the Bible even though in has several mysteries. One of the mysteries that Pangle focuses on is in his last chapter about Kierkegaard, specifically on the call of Abraham to sacrifice his only son (Pangle 172-181). Political philosophy deals with the way people are to live in this world and the reason why the living needs ethics, political affairs and economics. It also explains the relationship of these aspects with philosophic way of living. Politics therefore has its own sphere of life that is lead by reason. Advertising Looking for term paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is what we may term as prudent life. It is therefore limited to its nature. On the other hand, the Bible sees prudent life as life of obedience. This is the obedience to the Law of God given through Moses, at times known as Mosaic Law. This includes the Ten Commandments and the elaborate life ethics shown in Deuteronomy. The basis of the Christians faith is obedience, for this means to love God. It also shows the ex istence of a relationship between man and God. This is inferred from the Gospel of John when Jesus gives this command about obedience and hearing his word. â€Å"He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him† (John 14:21). According to Pangle, there is a similarity between the bible and political philosophy. This is at the point where both focus on the core of our humanity. They both advocate for truth. They agree that human life has to be, by all means guided by the truth alone. They are in consensus on the point that the fundamental theme of our concern for truth is that it is the basis of righteousness and justice. The only thing that might have led the two types of thoughts to irreconcilable incongruity was on the phenomenon of morality. In his effort to point out clearly the existing rivalry, Pangle begins with Genesis. He explains how the st ory of creation shows the ultimate existence of humanity. He clearly points out how man is subject to his creator. He agrees with Strauss that the way the Bible begins is understandable. This is when Strauss said, â€Å"The Bible begins reasonably†¦with the beginning† (Strauss 152). Pangle however points out some contradictions. The first example is the accounts of creation, where God created everything else and finished His creation by creating man and woman. The first account of creations shows that the physical things of nature were first created followed by the plants and animals before human beings were created (Gen. 1:1 – 12, 24 – 29). In the second, all the plants and animals preceded Adam, the man who was first alone. After the animals had proved to be an incomparable companion to him, Eve the female human was created as the last of the works of creation. She was created out of the man, one of the most fascinating phenomena. Pangle says it appears very hard to take the two accounts literally. On this point he concludes that it is impossibility to appeal to someone’s knowledge, meaning that the whole idea of the deity of God and the Creator is not to be taken literally (Pangle 20). He farther points out that several philosophers have criticized the very process. He points out the Hermeneutics, and describes them as:Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Political Values and Implications of Genesis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The interpretive stance, which views Scripture as the product of self conscious didactic integration of long-maturing literary traditions carried out by compliers and redactors whose artful but pious intelligence never dared to presume itself, simply the master of its materials or sources – does not require us to solve any puzzling feature by finding behind it an intelligible authorial intension (though we are spurre d, in the case of each major difficulty, to strive to do so) (Pangle 21). He continues to give their description as: We need not and should ever rule out the possibility that any particular case of contradiction, obscurity, or apparent error, we are confronted by irresolvable unclarity caused either by reverent as well as humbly bewildered human equivocation and incompetence or by divine mystery (or by both) (Pangle 21). In the same point he also describes the high criticisms. The major spotlight of these critics was on the two accounts of creation. They went down to analyze the story of creation with the aim of disapproving it. The main point is that which appears as inconsistency of the story of creation. This is the point on which Saint Augustine is in strong defense of. In his book On Genesis, he says that those who do not know the Scripture should not censure it. He says, â€Å"For there is no book of Scripture that cannot be censured with ease in the eyes of those who do not understand it† (Augustine 48). In addition to the description of such important topics as the differing suppositions of the origin of the world and the universe, in the Greek philosophy and the Bible, the core of his discourse is in the chapter talking about â€Å"The Creation and the Meaning of Evil and Good† (Pangle 71 – 102). In this, we see the clarity of the characteristic enigma in the nature of sin and divine impartiality or justice. One thing that comes out clearly is the serpent who takes opportunity of eve’s capacity to envy, which shows itself as the emerging longing for self-sufficiency, that is same as the philosophical reason of craving to govern one’s own life. This is basing on one’s own repository of knowledge. Here the conclusion is that that man preferred the tree of knowledge to the tree of life.Advertising Looking for term paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It would be very hard for any one to settle for the option of obedience. This would require far-reaching obedience which we would refer to as conscious submission to the will of God. Here it becomes quite difficult to believe that that is what God requires of human beings. It seems impossible. It seems to go back to the days when governments were very dictatorial, differing from the present day democracies. Strauss says: It would be a mistake to believe that Hobbes originally preferred monarchy, on account of its natural origin, to artificial democracy. It happens that the earliest systematic exposition of his views is the most democratic. That the precedence of democracy over the other artificial forms of State is asserted most decisively in the  Elements  has already been mentioned (Strauss 63). Basically refusing the fact that, obedience to what one has not decided, is not the way to go. To obey God, looks like to reject the rule of reason and to refuse to be guided by it com pletely. According to Pangle, the initial decision to obey the will of God rests on human will. This is based on the knowledge of Good and Evil which a person must have acquired. After settling on what is true, the rule of reason and rationality has still played a major role. This is much similar to what Luther call the realist’s way of looking at values. He writes, â€Å"Values are conserved, according to some new realists, not because an omnipotent God sees to it that they are saved, nor because the universe is such that they cannot be lost, but because values are in themselves eternal† (Luther 157). Pangle goes back to this matter yet again, towards the ending of this work in the section called Abraham at the Peak. The big questions are: was Abraham seeking his own good by obeying to get the promise? Was Abraham ration in that sense? Was he sacrificing every conceivable good for himself? It is had to answer them. If the latter is, is the sacrifice he made achieved the peak of human living, and so looking for good in any case? Still pointing out to Abraham’s case, he deduces that it was either mad for him to agree to go and sacrifice his only son or he may have done that in terms of what is good for him. This is if we explain the act rationally and by calculating the answer egoistically. Pangle’s first conclusion on this point is that biblical promise and transcendence proves to be a big misapprehension. On this mater, which lies in high contrast to the piety of the Bible, Pangle states that, it remains firmly within the boundaries of our sound conviction. He further asserts that philosophy has its ideas presented in a systematic manner. The other world has its moral responsibility very incoherent, and is not noble at all. It that sense philosophy stills has the nobility. As pangle continues his discourse, he comes to a point where thinking philosophically demands that you abandon all hopes. This is for the reason that the bibl ical piety might be the real way to go. At the end Pangle has not made a conclusion if to denounce all hope as philosophy wants, or to believe in God who loves and is concerned about every detail of our lives. He lives his readers to find for themselves what is most noble. Works Cited Augustine, Saint. On Genesis Two Books on Genesis Against the Manichees and on the Literal Interpretation of Genesis: An Unfinished Book. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1990. Print. Genesis. King James Version. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2008. Print. John. King James Version. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2008. Print. Luther, Evans D. New Realism and Old Reality: A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of the Realists. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1928. Print. Pangle, Thomas L. Political philosophy and the God of Abraham. Baltimore, Maryland: John Hopkins UP, 2003. Print. Strauss, Leo. The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1952. Print. This term paper on Political Values and Implications of Genesis was written and submitted by user Ayden Hopper to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Stacys Pitaman Chips Cinnamon and Sugar

Stacys Pitaman Chips Cinnamon and Sugar Introduction The free market economic model dominates the world economy. With the exception of china, Cuba and North Korea, the rest of the world’s economies are dominated by free market principles where forces of demand and supply dictate market trends.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Stacy’s Pitaman Chips Cinnamon and Sugar specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the theory of the firm, business operate in conditions dictated by the two forces but that operate on larger context of microeconomic and macroeconomic environments. The microenvironment represents the market conditions and/or elements that a firm has control over and which it can easily be manipulated to suit its marketing operations. They are the factors that determine the firm’s provision of goods or services. The factors may include intermediaries, the competing firms, and conditions within the firm itself. On the other hand the m acro environment refers to the expanded business space that is characterized by forces beyond the individual firm’s control.. They include demographic factors that largely involve characteristics and trends of the population, economy, political climate, cultural characteristics, technology, and natural forces. In the free market environment, firms are in business to make profit. One of the most important concepts in capitalism is marketing. Due to competition, firms try to entice customers to buy their products to make extra money. Competition is brought due to the presence of multiple players in different industries and sectors in the economy. Food and snack industry is one of the biggest scores in the above economic order that employs millions of people in the US and worldwide. Stacys Pita Chip Company, a manufacturer of healthy, baked, natural snack foods, and a leading player in the snack and food market will form the basis of analysis in this paper. Both the micro and ma cro business environments in which it operates will be analyzed as well as the marketing mix that it has adopted to sell its products. The company has wide variety of products on offer to its customers. This paper is supposed to specifically analyze the marketing approach of cinnamon and sugar chips. It’s important to note that the company has no explicit marketing approach that explicitly focuses on the product. The marketing strategy that it has adopted focuses all the products under the Pitaman brand name. The paper will therefore be focusing on cinnamon in reference to the overall strategy adopted by Pitaman. Macro and Micro business environment Microenvironment The microenvironments in which Stacy’s operate as include the company itself, marketing techniques, intermediaries, suppliers, and competitors.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The cur rent environment of the company refers to the departments and management of the company. The various departments may include finance, research, development, and accounting. All the departments have a role to play in the making of marketing decisions. Stacy’s is a relatively small company compared to industry leader such as Frito North America or Kraft Foods Inc. before it was purchased by PepsiCo, the company only had a handful of employees and served the city of Boston. However, popularity of its products and capital injection from new owners has enabled its expansion and presence of its products nationwide. By the end of Q1 of the year 2005, the company had over 200 employees comprising of both permanent and contracted staff. In the microeconomic environment, suppliers form one of the most critical aspects of a firm’s operations. Delay in receiving supplies has a negative ripple effect since customers will not be served in time. This is likely to lead to customer sat isfaction and customer relationship is likely to be affected as a result. Stacy’s operates in a highly competitive environment where snack manufacturers are very specific about supplies. Stacy’s has however managed to keep reliable suppliers and there is not any time that customers have experiences delays due to shortage f the snacks they offer. In marketing intermediaries can be referred to as a â€Å"necessary evil†. Intermediaries have grown to be one of the most critical elements in the microeconomic environment. They include distributors, resellers, marketing agencies, and financial providers who help in the distribution channel of the products to the customer. They help in the promotion and distribution of its products to the consumer at the end of the distribution channel. Stacy’ operates in a microeconomic environment where they have engaged the services of major reseller chains such as Wal-Mart. According to the company, â€Å"its products can b e found in food retailers across the nation including Shaws, Stop Shop, Roche Brothers, Gelsons, Wild Oats, Whole Foods, Costco (where it is the top-selling snack item), and BJs Wholesale Club†. The company has independent reseller points across the country and since its acquisition by PepsiCo, the acquirer’s network of distribution has helped greatly in enhancing the availability of the products to the end consumers.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Stacy’s Pitaman Chips Cinnamon and Sugar specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Perhaps the biggest asset that a firm can have in the microeconomic environment is its customers. The customer base may range from domestic to international consumers. It also includes government as well as reseller markets. A big part of Stacy’s market is comprised of consumers that purchase products for personal and household use. They form the bulk of the consume r base of the company. Since the company does not deal in products that help manufacture snacks, the business consumers are not very critical to its success. Like the consumer market, the reseller market is composed of all the intermediaries that buy Stacy’s products to sell at a profit. They include major supermarkets and snack outlets that have incorporated Stacy’s products due to rise in demand. The government market mainly centers on buying of food for charity or hunger relief programs. Thy also buy foods for stocking of strategic reserves. While the US government may not be engaged in such activities, Stacy’s works with many not for profit companies to avail the healthy snacks that are associated with it. Other intermediaries like marketing research firms, advertising and consulting have all played an important role in the growth of the company. In the year 2005, the company announced that it was taking its snack business to the UK effectively signaling its intention to pout its footprint on the international market. Besides the local market therefore, the other important factor in the microeconomic environment is the international clients and Stacy’s is implementing the plans. Business firms operate in a competitive environment. Competitors form part of the microeconomic environment where firms present similar or substitute products that sell based on quality or affordability. The snack and food industry in which Stacy’s operates in is saturated with many companies that offer the same products. As a result, competition is intense and any company that would like to survive must come up with strategies to maintain or grow their market share. Another important aspect in the microenvironment are the stakeholders. They form all the interested groups that affect the business operations of the firm. They include the communities that surround the firm in its area of operations. In Stacy’s case, the company has been invol ved with local groups that advocate for the consumption of healthy foods. The Randolph Chamber of Commerce in 2005 for instance praised the company for its socially conscious approach in the production of healthy foods that have no cholesterol. Macro-environment One of the most important factoring the macroenvironment in business is demography. It includes the size, density, race, genders, distribution, ethnicity, and occupation activities of the population that supports a firm’s business activities. Demographic factors come in handy in the development of market segments.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the American market where Stacy’s operates, the largest consumers of the type of snacks Stacy’s is offering are teenagers and young adults who fall between the ages of 13-35 years. There is also the age group of 35-44 years who consume almost a third of the national average of salted snacks. The economic environment also forms a critical factor in the macroenvironment of business forms. It determines the purchasing power of the market segment that the firm targets. Stacy’s operate in the American market where per capita income is one of the highest in the world. Growth that the company has experienced since its founding in 1997 can be attributed to the capacity of its potential clients to buy the products offered by the company. The economic environment in which this company operates is highly differentiated and spending patterns differ greatly. As a result, every product that Stacy’s is offering has customer hence the success acquired by the new produ cts it has introduced. The natural environment in which a firm operates also makes up one of the critical elements of the macroeconomic factors. In Stacy’s case, it includes the raw materials that the company uses to manufacture its products and as well as the amount of pollutants, the company adds to the environment. At a time when environmental consciousness is a top priority for governments and corporations, it is important that the policies and business operations that the company pursues be environmental friendly. Failure to which, a company can easily suffer backlash from consumers that can irreparably damage its reputation. Perhaps the most critical of all macroeconomic factors in the current business environment is technology. Technology nowadays is dynamic and businesses that do not adopt capital-intensive technologies are at risk of losing out in the competitive business world. In 2005, Stacy’s opened a high capacity factory in Randolph, Massachusetts that op erates on a 24 hour basis. The main aim was to produce products continuously so satisfy the growing demand for the company’s products. A continuous update of the firm’s technological assets will help keep up with the competition through production high quality products. The political environment greatly affects business operations. This ranges from the laws that have enacted to govern business to the stability of the politics of that particular territory. The political environment where Stacy operates is very mature and rarely do political shocks directly affect the food and snack industry. The laws that exist in the US make it possible for the thriving small businesses through availability of credit and a vibrant market supported by a high per capita rate. At its inception, the above factors played a crucial role in the success that the company experienced. Marketing Mix Marketing is all about identification of the needs of a target market and packaging the products i n a targeted way so that the products can move and the firm makes a profit (Kotler and Phillip 38). It involves firms getting out of their way to satisfy customers’ wants better than what competition offers. Stacy’s products like cinnamon and sugar chips are targeted at health conscious consumers. Thy make the core segment of Stacy’s cinnamon and sugar chips. Success in target marketing can only be brought by doing research an incorporating four factors that Jerome McCarthy referred to as the four P’s. The combination of all the four factors is what is referred to as the marketing mix that is important for firms to carry out research on the potential customers to understand their needs that consumers want for easier identification of the segment. Many scholars assert that the best way to achieve success in target marketing is to include marketing mix that is supported by four P’s. The four P’s are the product, price, place, and promotion. St acys Pita Chip Company Product Stay’s has a wide variety of products among them, Simply Naked Pita Chip, Multigrain Pita Chips, Italian Harvest Pita Chips and Cinnamon and Sugar chips that it advertises directly into the market. These products are unique since they do not contain cholesterol and have a low fat content. The products are specifically meant for the health conscious clientele who technically make up the market segment that the company is targeting. Price The pricing of the products from Stacy’s is friendly to customers. According to the company, it has taken measures to provide friendly prices especially at this time of the credit crunch. The company has settled on products that target consumers have found affordable all along. Place This is where Stacy’s products are available. The products according to the company are available in all major retail centres nationwide. It ensures easy accessibility of the products by the targeted segment of the popu lation. The place can also include the physical store like the retail outlets mentioned above as well as the online stores that where customers can order through the internet. Promotion This is the mode of communication that the company is using to market it products. Stacy’s has used both electronic and print media to advertise its products especially cinnamon sugar chips. 4 C’s The four C’s approach to marketing was first proposed by Robert F. Lauterborn in an effort to help companies adopt ways that encouraged niche marketing as opposed to mass marketing. The model is consumer oriented and involves the consumer, cost, convenience, and communication. He argues that the four C’s (Lauterborn, et al 48) can replace the four P’s. In the approach, the product is replaced by the satisfaction of consumer needs. Pricing is replaced by cost where it’s assumed there is a costs incurred when the consumer does not choose the product or when he chooses to buy al alternative. Place is replaced by convenience which implies on the ease with which the products is accessed by the consumer. Communication takes the place of promotion. Lauterborn argues that promotion for the sake of promotion does not help in marketing. Instead, firms through promotions should seek to communicate with customers. Stacy’s has adopted a targeted approach different from what traditional marketing recommends. It nevertheless includes elements of the 4P’s and 4C’s. Dew Nick captures the approach as follows â€Å"They are their brand, so instead of television commercials, they give away chips in person at trade shows, events, and grocery stores. Their web site is a consistent reflection of the pair as well. Healthy recipes featuring Stacy’s Pita Chips, photos of the team, accompany information about the company and products and every page features a hand-drawn caricature of Stacy herself. The approach worked so well that in 2006, w hen the Andruses were selling US$60 million in chips a year† (Dew, 2011). The company has held a variety of targeted marketing campaigns that have incorporated the four P’s. One of the promotions is the To Stacy, From Stacy campaign where the company sent to every one in the country a box full of chips. The company then asked the recipients to purchase a gift from Stacy’s for anyone that they felt needed. The main objective was to produce awareness through word of mouth. In the above promotion, the product was the company’s chips including cinnamon chips. All the boxes sent out ere free of charge. Though the recipients were asked to purchase the chips for a friend as a gift, the fact that the company sent free products meant a lot. The campaign targeted the entire country, an ambitious marketing style that achieved nationwide exposure for the product. The company has highlighted the success of the campaign and has included it its website a lit of Stacyâ₠¬â„¢s who went on their way to support it. That was success from any marketing point of view. Conclusion Stacy’s prospects look bright. The company is still young and focuses marketing and expansion will sure increase its sales. It is important for firms to carry out research first on the needs of their customers to establish a market segment in targeted marketing is going to succeed. Incorporating the 4P’s is important. However, Lauterborn’s model that includes the four C’s should be given priority alongside 4P’s because of its emphasis on niche carving. When a firm carves out its niche, it assured of a rock solid base that it can rely on in bad economic times and sometimes when, marketing campaigns do not succeed. Stacy’s has adopted the 4P’s for its targeted marketing campaigns. There are many more ways that firms can incorporate the approach to increase sales through marketing. Kotler, Phillip and Gary, Armstrong. Principles of M arketing: (Version 14/E). New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. 2012. Print. Lauterborn, Robert, et al. Integrated Marketing Communications. New York: NTC Business Books, a division of NTC Publishing Group. 1993. Print. Dew, N. (2011). Identity Chip The Story of Stacys PIta Chips.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Guide to the Graduate School Admissions Interview

A Guide to the Graduate School Admissions Interview If youve received an invitation to interview at a graduate school of choice, congratulate yourself. Youve made it to the short list of applicants under serious consideration for admission. If you have not received an invitation, dont fret.  Not all graduate programs interview and the popularity of admissions interviews vary by program. Heres what to expect and some tips on how to prepare so you do your very best. Purpose of the Interview The purpose of the interview is to let members of the department get a peek at you and meet you, the person, and see beyond your application. Sometimes applicants who seem like a perfect match on paper arent so in real life. What do the interviewers want to know? Whether you have what it takes to succeed in graduate school and the profession, like maturity, interpersonal skills, interest, and motivation. How well do you express yourself, manage stress and think on your feet? What to Expect Interview formats vary considerably. Some programs request applicants to meet for half of an hour to an hour with a faculty member, and other interviews will be full weekend events with students, faculty and other applicants. Graduate school interviews are conducted by invitation, but the expenses are nearly always paid for by applicants. In some unusual  cases, a program may assist a promising student with travel expenses, but its not common. If youre invited to an interview, try your best to attend even if you have to pay the travel expenses. Not attending, even if its for a good reason, signals that youre not seriously interested in the program. During your interview, youll talk with several faculty members as well as students. You might engage in small group discussions with students, faculty and other applicants. Participate in discussions and demonstrate your listening skills  but do not monopolize the conversation. The interviewers might have read your application file but dont expect them to remember anything about you. Because the interviewer is unlikely to remember much about each applicant, be forthcoming about your experiences, strengths and professional goals. Be mindful of the salient facts you wish to present. How to Prepare Learn about the program and faculty. familiarize yourself with the training emphasis and faculty research interests.Review your own interests, goals, and qualifications. Note what things make you a good match for the program. Be able to explain how your goals and qualifications match what the program has to offer.Take the perspective of faculty members. What can you contribute to their graduate program and research? Why should they accept you? What skills do you bring that will help a professor advance in his or her research?Anticipate questions and rehearse potential answers.Prepare intelligent questions to ask. During the Interview Remember your goals during your interview: to convey your interest, motivation, and professionalism and to gather the information you need to determine if this is the graduate program for you.In meetings with graduate students, try to ask questions that reveal what they really think about their advisers and the program. Most students will be forthcoming especially in one-on-one conversations.Dont underestimate the potential influence of current graduate students. Present your best side because current graduate students may be in a position to help or hurt your application.Some interviews include social events like parties. Dont drink (even if others do). Remember that even though it seems like a party, its an interview. Assume that youre being evaluated at all times. Empower Yourself: Youre Interviewing Them, Too Remember that this is your chance to interview the program, its facilities, and its faculty. Youll tour the facilities and lab spaces as well as have the opportunity to ask questions. Take this opportunity to assess the school, program, faculty, and students to determine if its the right match for you. During the interview, you should evaluate the program just as the faculty is evaluating you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Odani Motohiko, SP2 New Born (Viper A), mixed media in acrylic case Essay

Odani Motohiko, SP2 New Born (Viper A), mixed media in acrylic case (paraffin, steel, reinforced plastic fibers), 2007 - Essay Example The first picture that comes to one’s mind when he/she comes in contact with the Odani Motohiko SP2 New Born is a picture of a sea-horse. To some people, the actual message sent by this piece of art is quite unclear. This has made led to some criticism arguing that Odani Motohiko has answers â€Å"hanging in the air†. It is quite challenging to determine the kind of material used to create this piece of work. This may require an analysis that entails engaging in a physical contact with the art. However, generalized arguments may conclude that it is made from plastic materials or even refined clay soil. Many questions may be elicited when one comes in contact with this piece of work i.e. questions revolving around time, human facets fear et cetera. The artist claims that this piece of work creates a sense of futuristic feeling among viewers. The art also brings a sense of movement, uniqueness, dynamism, transformation as well as speed in the field of art. Research has shown that the field of art and sculpture was almost â€Å"dying†, the essence of the sculpture seems to be regenerated by the Odani Motohiko. In this regard, it seems that the Odani Motohiko brings a fresh look in the history of culture through evolution of the manner by, which sculptures are created i.e. through modern technology, presentation and the kinds of sense they elicit. It is also apparent that the art takes a dimension of modern piece of art work. To begin with, the materials used are contemporary i.e. steel, plastics et cetera. There is also a modern sense of presentation; it basically entails using modern mode of lighting, painting as well as storage. This may lead to a conclusion that this piece of art lacks historical continuity hence differentiating it from other pieces of ancient art work. "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human resource mgt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human resource mgt - Essay Example In a research paper (Geary, 1992) was critical of these assumptions. He found that management's reliance on temporary employees gave rise to a number of contradictions and tensions, and in the end was considered to be disadvantageous. A major advantage of flexible human resource practices is the low cost of labor as cited by (Smith, 1998) in his article. In his study he concluded that a larger proportion of foreign-owned companies had lower labor costs as a result of the greater use of flexible work practices. The application of the most flexible work life balance policy not only increases the loyalty of employee but also increase the fame of the company as best places for employment. (Dex and Scheibl, 2001) Mostly women do not find it compatible to work in the technical field due to their care taking duty towards their family in this way a huge amount of talent is drop out of the talent pool. Due to the flexible environment by the firm a broader recruitment pool can be made available. (Center for Ethical Business Cultures, 1997; Evans, 2001) With providing the employees with the facilities of flexible working hours the firm can also get the benefit by offering increased service hours for the customers. Since in this age of competition and increased customer pressure in order to achieve a cutting edge in the business it is important for a firm to provide 24/7 service (Evans, 2001; Human Resources Development Canada, 2002). The provisions of service for longer hour's will not only improve the corporate image but will provide the firm with increased market share (Dex and Scheibl, 1999; Center for Ethical Business Cultures, 1997; Evans, 2001). With undertaking the flexible work practices there are also some areas which should be addressed by the management in order to effectively undertake human resource practices. Studies of some of the best United States and Australian organizations (Gray, 1992) also suggest that the cement which binds skilled and motivated employees to their organization, who are thus more enthusiastic, more committed and potentially more productive than their competitors' employees, is clear and ongoing communication between organization managers and their employees. The management of the SFL should also take the advantage of the communication process in order achieve the higher level of performance from the employees. A modern and a more permanent approach to motivation are through job enrichment (Wright, 2004). This involves putting meaning into jobs. In other words, it is putting Herzberg's two-factor theory into effect by building motivators into the job. These motivators include achievement, growth, responsibility, advancement and recognition. This approach can also work for SFL staff. According to the approach the organization should plan to change the job contents of the employees in order to motivate them as explained by Ross (1998) in his article A practical

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Does the Internet Make You Dumber Essay Example for Free

Does the Internet Make You Dumber Essay A psychologist, Patricia Greenfield has reviewed studies in our cognitive abilities from which Carr claims demonstrates we are becoming â€Å"shallower† (Carr 2010, p. w1). Carr refers to two specific examples. An experiment at Cornwell University, this was a small survey conducted in a classroom, the number of pupils was not documented in the article. Another experiment conducted at Stanford University with the conclusion being heavy multi-taskers were not effective at multi-tasking, as everything became a distraction. The more the person multi-tasks the more easily distracted and ‘had less control over their attention’. This experiment was more comprehensive. To back up claims that the internet changes the way we think, Carr refers to an experiment done on primates in the 1970s and 1980s. The test seems extensive on how quickly our brains circuits responce can change based on our can experience. This doesn’t talk about how quickly the brain can therefore revert back when needed for more reflective activities such as when reading a book. Carr assumes that the increased level of visual-spatial intelligence needed for fast internet usage is a negative. Carr hasn’t considered the effectiveness the increased spatial intelligence gives its user in other areas of technological advancement that require this skill set. Carr assumes that the internet is the main reason for people becoming distracted and therefore having low cognitive abilities, Carr’s studies don’t include how distractions can come in all forms not just pop ups and advertisements on a computer screen. He further assumes the classroom experiment revealing the internet didn’t help the learners is typical for all internet users. Undeniably Carr is right in his notions of the internet being an easy distraction; multi-tasking and prioritising are learnt skills and ones that are undeniably tested by the internets powers of distraction. In our increasingly fast paced world multitasking is a necessary for survival, and therefore will continue to be a required skill for our future. Multitasking is needed in all facets of life making the skill a valuable one. References Carr, N 2010, ‘Does the internet make you dumber? , The Wall Street Journal p W1

Friday, November 15, 2019

Friendship Essay: Helping a Friend in Need -- Friendship Essay, Persona

It is very sad to see a friend or relative suffering or in need, especially when they pretend that everything is all right. It is a delicate situation when approaching someone in this predicament, as often a person’s pride stands in the way of reaching out for comfort. How to offer your help to an independent friend or relative in this position requires a bit of clever manipulation and a not-so- obvious plan in order to help. If the problem at hand is a financial matter, the first response would be to offer them a loan. On the other hand, most people would be embarrassed to admit to this, and will perhaps be offended at the offer. However, instead of outright offering them money, trading a service in return for payment would not seem as though you are giving them a hand out. For example...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Problems with Drinking and driving Essay

Driving under the influence, driving while intoxicated, drunken driving, drunk driving, operating under the influence, drinking and driving, or impaired driving is the crime of driving a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other drugs including those prescribed by physicians. In the case of alcohol, a drunk driver’s level of intoxication is typically determined by a measurement of blood alcohol content or BAC. A BAC measurement in excess of a specific threshold level, such as 0.05% or 0.08%, defines the criminal offense with no need to prove impairment. In some jurisdictions, there is an aggravated category of the offense at a higher BAC level, such as 0.12%. In most countries, anyone who is convicted of injuring or killing someone while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs can be heavily fined in addition to being given a lengthy prison sentence. In the United States, DUI and alcohol-related crashes produce an estimated $45 billion in damages every year. In some U.S. and German studies BAC level 0.01-0.03% predicted a lower crash risk than BAC 0%, Blood alcohol content With the advent of a scientific test for blood alcohol content, enforcement regimes moved to pinning culpability for the offense to strict liability based on driving while having more than a prescribed amount of blood alcohol, although this does not preclude the simultaneous existence of the older subjective tests. BAC is most conveniently measured as a simple percent of alcohol in the blood by weight. Research shows an exponential increase of the relative risk for a crash with a linear increase of BAC as shown in the illustration. BAC does not depend on any units of measurement. In Europe it is usually expressed as milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood. However, 100 milliliters of blood weighs essentially the same as 100 milliliters of water, which weighs precisely 100 grams. Thus, for all practical purposes, this is the same as the simple dimensionless BAC measured as a percent. The per mille measurement, which is equal to ten times the percentage value, is used in Den mark, Germany, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The validity of the testing equipment/methods and mathematical relationships for the measurement of breath and blood alcohol have been criticized. Driving while consuming alcohol may be illegal within a jurisdiction. In some it is illegal for an open container of an alcoholic beverage to be in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle or  in some specific area of that compartment. There have been cases of drivers being convicted of a DUI when they were not observed driving after being proven in court they had been driving while under the influence. In the case of an accident, insurance may be automatically declared invalid, i.e. the drunk driver is fully responsible for damages. Within the American system, citation for driving under the influence also causes a major spike in car insurance premiums—94.1% in the first year, and still 63.5% higher by the third year. The German model serves to reduce the number of accidents by identifying unfit drivers and removing them from until their fitness to drive has been established again. The Medical Psychological Assessment works for a prognosis of the fitness for drive in future, has an interdisciplinary basic approach and offers the chance of individual rehabilitation to the offender. George Smith, a London Taxi cab driver, ended up being the first person to be convicted of driving while intoxicated, on September 10, 1897. He was fined 25 shillings, which is . BAC and risks Studies show that a high BAC increases the risk of accidents whereas it is not clear of a BAC of 0.01%-0.05% slightly increases or decreases the risk. One study suggests that already a BAC of 0.04-0.05% would slightly increase the risk whereas some studies suggest that a BAC of 0.01-0.04% would slightly lower the risk, possibly due to the drivers being more cautious. Both the influential study by Borkenstein et al. and the empirical German data on the 1990s demonstrated that the risk of accident is lower or the same for drivers with a BAC of 0.04% or less than for drivers with a BAC of 0%. For a BAC of 0.15% the risk is 25-fold. The 0.08% BAC limit in Germany and the limits in many other countries were set based on the study by Borkenstein et al. Wuerzburg University researchers showed that all extra accidents caused by alcohol were due to at least 0.06% BAC, 96% of them due to BAC above 0.08%, and 79% due to BAC above 0,12%. In their study based on the 1990s German data, the effect of alcohol was higher for almost all BAC levels than in Borkenstein et al. Also in the Grand Rapids study by Alsop, 0.01-0.03% BAC lead to a mere 80%-96% crash risk, possibly due to extra caution. Many employers or occupations have their own rules and BAC limits; for example, the United States Federal Railroad Administration has a 0.04%  limit for train crew. Certain large corporations have their own rules; for example, Union Pacific Railroad has their own BAC limit of 0.02% that, if violated during a random test or a for-cause test—for example, after a traffic accident—can result in termination of employment with no chance of future re-hire. Some jurisdictions have multiple levels of BAC for different categories of drivers; for example, the state of California has a general 0.08% BAC limit, a lower limit of 0.04% for commercial operators, and a limit of 0.01% for drivers who are under 21 or on probation for pr evious DUI offenses. Many states in the U.S. and the Federal government of Canada have adopted truth in sentencing laws that enforce strict guidelines on sentencing, differing from previous practice where prison time was reduced or suspended after sentencing had been issued. Some jurisdictions have judicial guidelines requiring a mandatory minimum sentence. DUI convictions can result in multi-year jail terms and other penalties ranging from expensive fees to forfeiture of one’s license plates and vehicle. Some jurisdictions require that drivers convicted of DUI offenses use special license plates that are easily distinguishable from regular plates. These plates are known in popular parlance as â€Å"party plates† or â€Å"whiskey plates†. The specific criminal offense may be called, depending on the jurisdiction, driving under the influence, driving under the influence of intoxicants, driving while intoxicated, â€Å"operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugsâ⠂¬ , operating under the influence operating while intoxicated, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, driving under the combined influence of alcohol and/or other drugs, driving under the influence per se or drunk in charge . Many such laws apply also to motorcycling, boating, piloting aircraft, use of motile farm equipment such as tractors and combines, riding horses or driving a horse-drawn vehicle, or bicycling, possibly with different BAC level than driving. In some jurisdictions there are separate charges depending on the vehicle used, such as BWI, which may carry a lighter sentence. In the United States, local law enforcement agencies made 1,467,300 arrests nationwide for driving under the influence of alcohol in 1996, compared to 1.9 million such arrests during the peak year in 1983. In 1997 an estimated 513,200 DWI offenders were in prison or jail, down from 593,000 in 1990 and up from 270,100 in 1986. Drunk in charge  In British law it is a criminal offence to be drunk in charge of a motor vehicle. The definition depends on such things being in or near the vehicle, and having access to a means of starting the vehicle’s engine and driving it away. Health care, working, and prescription drugs If a worker who drives has a health condition which can be treated with opioids, then that person’s doctor should be told that driving is a part of the worker’s duties and the employer should be told that the worker could be treated with opioids. Workers should not use impairing substances while driving or operating heavy machinery like forklift trucks or cranes. If the worker is to drive, then the health care provider should not give them opioids. If the worker is to take opioids, then their employer should assign them work which is appropriate for their impaired state and not encourage them to use safety sensitive equipment.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Samsung Company Analysis

Introduction Samsung Electronics is one of the world's largest semiconductor manufacturers; Samsung Electronics is also South Korea's top electronics company. It makes many kinds of consumer devices, including DVD players, digital TVs, and digital still cameras; computers, color monitors, LCD panels, and printers; semiconductors such as DRAMs, static RAMs, flash memory, and display drivers; and communications devices ranging from wireless handsets and smart phones to networking gear. The company, which is the flagship member of Samsung Group, also makes microwave ovens, refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines.Nearly half of sales come from the Asia/Pacific region. Top industries for Samsung Electronics Co. are memory chip and module manufacturing, communications chip manufacturing, wireless telephone handset manufacturing. ? Samsung is no longer the company that it used to be, it is a company that has put in a lot effort and money for changing its reputation. Today, Sam sung is striving and growing into one of the most successful companies ever. It has an extensive product line that caters to many different people. It no longer operates on low profits; it’s striving on the highest.Sales Preparation MarketValue160834. 8asof 2012-11-09 FiscalYear-EndDec 2011 Sales (mil)104,155. 453 2011 Employees101,970 EmployeeGrowthPercent6. 6% Assets (mil)101,260. 188 NetIncomeGrowthPercent-25. 94% SalesGrowthPercent5. 2% Income Statement201120102009 Revenue$104,155. 454$99,004. 037$77,007. 137 GrossProfit$26,216. 298$30,225. 083$18,331. 443 OperatingIncome$10,088. 036$13,163. 092$5,445. 767 NetIncome$8,646. 132$11,674. 559$8,277. 33 Diluted EPS$28. 8$39. 04$27. 96 SWOT analysis A good SWOT analysis can help the company and competitors place themselves in the market wisely.Therefore, let us look at the SWOT Analysis of Samsung to give an idea of how the company is operating in the world. Strengths †¢ Samsung has a wide product range, which allows them to grab ample market share from various markets. This allows Samsung to not only earn a high return but it also allows them to diversify their risk and failure †¢ According to many magazines, Samsung holds a significant portion of the market share in nearly all its products. †¢ Samsung is a reputed name and many people are familiar with it around the world. †¢ Samsung has won many awards on its high quality products. Samsung has the ability and resources to use the latest technology and offer new and exciting features frequently. †¢ Samsung has won many awards due to its ability to make innovative, sleek and slim products †¢ Samsung has set up many production plants in low cost locations, thus they save on cost of production significantly. †¢ Samsung recently has attracted ample positive press, thus its reputation continues to grow and has a positive impact on the operations of the company. Weaknesses †¢ Samsung never introduces a new design on its own, it always waits to attack it’s competitors.Thus, it missed the first mover advantages. †¢ Samsung does not charge high price for its products, therefore often people relate the low price to begin a supplier of low quality products. General perception supports that the higher the price, the higher the quality of products. †¢ Many Samsung products are not user friendly, therefore consumer often hesitate to switch to Samsung products even if the price and quality is exceptional. †¢ Samsung does not focus on a specific niche; it offers its products to the mass market only. Samsung does not create its own software therefore it often relies on other sources to complete the products. †¢ Samsung faces immense competition from new companies and online companies. †¢ High set up and operation cost for such a company. Opportunities †¢ Samsung should make an active effort to offer unique products to customers, in order to grab more market share. †¢ Samsung could start creating software’s for their hardware devices and reduce outsourcing. †¢ Samsung could launch sub brands to the company, with new and improved strategies. †¢ Samsung could launch in countries to tap the needs of consumers. Samsung could open more stores to serve more customers. †¢ Samsung could make an effort to launch creative products first, rather than after its competitors. †¢ Samsung could increase its product variation in its products. †¢ Samsung should participate in product development and attract more customers. It should also consider participating in various events to attract attention. †¢ Samsung could offer additional services to retain existing customers and attract new ones. †¢ Increase in the need for mobile phones, Samsung could exploit this need well.Threats †¢ Samsung has linked product lines, which means that if one product line fails due to its own reasons other product lines will also suffer. †¢ Samsung is very scattered; it controls and operates different products while its competitors use their resources and effort on one segment only. Diversification takes a lot of effort and attention. †¢ Samsung has set up production plants in low cost areas, which are subject to ample political and economic instability. These instabilities can have an impact overall company it the crisis gets unmanageable. Samsung is facing threats from many other low cost companies. †¢ Various companies have realized the importance of advertising, therefore Samsung will be subject to a lot more competition as advertising creates and draws attention of consumers. †¢ Countries all over the world are experiencing a high cost due to high inflation rates in most locations. †¢ Many government legislations are now active against the innovative technology due to health and mental concerns. Samsung vs. others On the Kazakhstani market Samsung has various competitors as LG and Sony. All three companies are strong, despite Samsung takes almost a half of market share. Still Samsung has lots of thing to work on here, in Kazakhstan. I have made an analysis of all three web sites of Samsung, LG and Sony, compared them and indicated Samsung’s weak sides. Samsung. com/kz Samsung doesn’t have a local web site in Kazakhstan. While entering it for the first time system asks to indicate your location. When choose Kazakhstan, Russian language is chosen by default. It is also worth to mention that in Kazakhstani version of website Russian is the only language, Kazakh is not represented.Generally web site is not very easy to use, even though most of major stuff represented on the main page. The problem is that in order to find an item customer is really has to search for it, using all these tabs and vertical search. Customer cannot just browse web site without knowing what exactly he wants. The main page represents new Samsung products as Samsung Galaxy Note II , Smart TV sets, etc. After clicking on the product you’d like to buy it immediately redirects you to product’s profile page where presented all the information about it, including Store Locator.The problem with this locator that it works only in huge cities, engine does not allow to narrow search to smaller towns or districts. So, for example, if I live in Almaty and I want to buy smartphone, web-site will give the list of all distributors located in Almaty, not the nearest to me. Also, it doesn’t show the prices and discount that different distributors have. Instead they offer to call them by ourselves. The possible reason to this is security issues that require lot of financial investments.Also profile page contains the feature called â€Å"Compare with other devices† where you can choose up to 5 devices and compare it in terms of technical characteristics. But this is all that Samsung offers as pre-order feature. They do not have any video review of p roducts, 3D models of them, panoramic photos and many other things that could possibly engage them with new customers. Samsung actively works on creating local brand communities as on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. With help of those communities they try to engage together all Samsung current and possible customers.Another option that web-site introduces is collaboration with KupiKipon company, which provides coupons and discounts on selected Samsung production. To become a participant, customers, firstly, have to enter into Samsung Premium Club, only then all features as KupiKupon will be available, as well as many other options like discounts for AirAstana, service of Toyota service Center, etc. Sony. kz Web site of Sony has Kazakhstani domain and as well as Samsung’s web site, it has not got any possibility of changing language to Kazakh or English. Web site is also quite easy to use, I would say much easier than Samsung’s.When customer wishes to buy something every step is structured and clear, so search engine is well organized and works nice: 1. He has to define what exactly he wants to buy. Whether it is TV or Walkman 2. He is given a list of different series of different price categories. He has to make another choice. 3. Then system provides him with a list of all, for example, Walkmans of specified prices and year of production. Price is also included but in rubles, not in tenge. The feature of comparison of different phones and cameras also presented on this web site.Sony also does not have feature of buying online and store locator, no list of distributors and anything that could somehow get interest of Kazakhstani customers, seems like the web site is made for Russian customers with domain name . kz. Sony runs technical and customer support program that allows Sony production owners to upgrade, fix their gadget almost for free. They have created various brand communities in different social network in order to gather together their o ld and new customers, organize contests and actions. LG. kzThe web site of LG is pretty similar to Sony’s, especially in terms of search engine: it is very easy to use it. First of all the structure of site is very different from previous two: it all compact and arranged from left to right, so we do not have to scroll page up and down. The main page is divided on three parts: left, central and right. The first ad the last never changes, like a banner ad, they represent the list of production, vertical search and news and actions respectively. The central part is the most active, like a working are, where customer can look through products he chose, compare them and make a final decision.But in comparison to Sony and Samsung only limited line of production is presented on their web site – only latest models. As LG has a domain name . kz, still default language is Russian and no possibility to change if to any other, only if change the location. Also as two previous web sites, LG does not have an option of buying production online (direct distribution). As it was mentioned earlier, this option might not be used because of very high financial expenses. So web site has only one direct task – to introduce new production to public. As well as Sony, LG has not got any information about it distributors or shops.LG works a lot on CRM: they create brand communities on different social networks, provide customers with free OS upgrades and free application for their phones, microsite for SMART TV owners. Also they were the only who presented option for slow Internet connection, possibly aware of bad Internet in Kazakhstan. Customer relationship management (CRM) We are looking on internet strategy of Samsung Company. So, CRM in this case should not only manage a company’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects, but also use technology, internet to organize, and synchronize business processes.The goal is to find new clients, an d safe those which company already have. Looking on the brochure that we received from representative of Samsung in KIMEP, we can make conclusion that now we know some characteristics of described printers, but nothing where to buy it. So, customer have to do it own research, to find where he could buy a product in which he is interested. Moreover, the lady that was representative is just from event agency. She cannot tell anything about the product in which students were interested, but which were not presented on the stand and material she learned.This small research showed us how it is hard for customers find the shop were to buy the product they need. For sure it is cheaper to pay once lady from the agency for representing the material, rather than open department dealing with this. But, we thing department will be more productive, because they can answer on more questions, than just learned. Or not spending more money lady-representative can refer to the site, where customer ca n find more information about interested product. Also, site should be written on the brochure. RecommendationsWhile researching Samsung site, we found that company does not represent online shopping or delivery services as all sales go trough distributors and Samsung don’t interfere into contact between customers and dealers. Samsung has no official shop in Almaty or any other cities of Kazakhstan. As we understood their main aim is dealing with promotions, PR, advertisement and publicity. In Kazakhstan many products that are resell by disturbers always have special additional price that have a huge difference between initial and final prices.It would be a good idea if Samsung on their site near the products placed their prices so customers will know at first hand the cost of the product. On the other hand it could cause discontent of distributor since clients choose negotiated price of other dealers or no profit will be gained. Samsung in advance can discus and find the opt imal additional price for distributors so both customers and dealers will be satisfied. Here is the situation; Customer is surfing Samsung site to find the product he or she liked and willing to by right away.Site provides all dealers addresses and contact numbers and this entire list is about50 shops around one city. Customer need to find on the Google maps of any other gadget where these shops located. While processing all the Almaty streets aspiration can go away and company loosing a potential client. We suggest directing present location of the customer and pick out top 5 closest shops to get product they like. No need for searching and finding out which store is right next to your location. This novation facilitates search and willing to own Samsung products.Any tracking for products creates a desire to possess and enjoy them. Samsung can create online delivery through dealers just right on their site. No potential customer is missed and no dealer left without profit. This abi lity gives a client to choose any dealer and store he liked and order the product without leaving home. Another convenient option would be listing all Samsung goods dealers have in the moment. It can ease life and prevent the buyer in the way there will be no need to have a long ride to the store and find out that good you need is out of stock.Very often happens the situation when a client came to buy a Samsung product but because it is out of stock shop assistance offer goods of other companies, which is detrimental for Samsung sales. The main aim of dealers is to make a potential customer buy and if there is no special product he or she needs they can easily find a substitute as the world of technology is extensive and easily replaceable. Process improvement What makes Samsung's potential customers to enter the site and search it further? Most important page on the whole website is main page. It makes client be interested in products company offer.In our previous group research of Samsung we found out that main page of the company is not attractive at all. Here are some solutions how to make it more catchy and favorable: 1. Customers should be informed with updated news or special offers the first thing. Samsung needs to update this information daily so buyers see that company is alive, it is operating ever day and care to hold customers on the site. 2. We noticed a very huge mistake of designers of the site that all pictures allocated are so not real and it’s hard to see how actual products look like.Nowadays, most of the sites that provide any selling activity make the goods look very realistic as if you are shopping in the mall and see the product, e. g. 3D pictures can create this visual effect. 3. Forum is also another important part of the web site as here customers can discuss their complaints, whether they like the product or they don't, get some new ideas to improve the site and marketing strategy. It brings benefit to both visitors and compa ny. Visitors can find for themselves the product that suits them the most, advantages and disadvantages, write critique, review and so on.Company gets new ideas, fix errors or mistakes, and see how people react to some updates of the goods system. 4. Our group has conducted an independent research about Samsung and LG companies to understand how these two companies maintain customer relationship management and meanwhile provide service for its customers. We have gone to one of the retail stores representatives of both Samsung and LG which is serving as distributor at the same time and pretended to be secret buyers. We were just like ordinary buyers who were interested in purchase.As the result, we created a list of statements and criteria that for our opinion are important when choosing an electronic company. In the table below we have rated them on the following criteria and identified to what extend do we agree with the following statements about Samsung and LG customer service re presentative. SamsungLG GoodAveragePoorGoodAveragePoor Selection of productsVV Quality of productVV Price of productVV AdvertisementVV Recommendation of friends and relativesVV Store layoutVV Guarantees/WarrantiesVV Online shop VV Convenient LocationVV Brand name recognitionVV Service CenterVVAgreeNeutralDisagreeAgreeNeutralDisagree The staff is friendlyVV The staff is patientVV The staff is politeVV The staff is responsiveVV The staff has listened carefullyVV The staff has sufficient product knowledgeVV Conclusion Samsung is well known company. We think that using our small research and recommendations this company will be closer to customers by itself, not just through retailers. Solutions about their web site will make company more attractive to customers. Finally, brief information about the company in the beginning of the paper will help reader to make clear understanding about company products and processes.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure

Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure The process of choosing a new member of the board of directors in an organization whenever an incumbent one is leaving a particular office is a tricky task that requires great care and insight. It is important for leadership to change from one person to another after the agreed term of service expires or due to some other circumstances that crop up, which makes it necessary to have a person chosen to lead in particular docket.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, a certain member of the board might pass on, and therefore creating a vacancy that ought to be filled. Another instance that can emerge to make it necessary to select another member due to a vacancy in the board is when a member leaves the office due to other personal reasons. In all these cases, it becomes compulsory to select a new member to fill in the available op portunity. There is a wide range of potential candidates who can be selected to fill in the vacant space. This person can either be from within the organization or from outside the company. At the same time this person can be one of the board members, a top leader in the company, an outsider who has some affiliation with the organization, but does not have any involvement in the company, and lastly, there can be an outsider who got no connection with the company. Members who have affiliations with the organization are likely to be slow in generating new and innovative measures of development for the corporation. Probable developments must have taken place in their presence and therefore their means to creativity are limited by the presence in that corporation if compared with outsiders. Having been associated and having worked in the corporation lets one likely think that growth and development policies have probably been exhausted, even when that is not the case. The ability for an insider to pursue innovative processes for the corporation is therefore slow or limited to some extent. Another aspect of an insider that may not be favorable for the corporation is the emulation of previous management by the insider once appointed, even when that management was not effective or efficient in its leadership. The newly appointed member may continue to uphold the leadership qualities that were used before and this may result to ineffective operations, even when such changes of management is meant to achieve management change for the organization. Failure to move the corporation forward proves the entire process ineffective because such changes should be tailored towards the forward movement of the corporation (Gup 180).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More New challenges are the mother of innovations, and this is not different in corporation management. H aving an outsider in the management of a corporation brings in new ideas that were not present before. Generation of new management systems is also likely to take place. This is because the outsider has no interactions with the corporation, and the basic fundamental role of managing a corporation is to oversee its success in its particular line of production. What this means is that an outsider will give the corporation a chance to grow at a faster rate than it would have been the case if an insider. This is due to the diverse creativity and innovative procedures that the outsider might have at hand, given that he or she is not an affiliate of the corporation (Hirschey, John, and Makhija 140). Likewise, operations of any corporation are essential to the success of that corporation. The operation potential of corporation determines the level of revenues that the corporation is likely to generate. Consequently, the revenues that the corporation generates determine the profitability of the firm. The long term plans of the corporation are solely based on the operations ability of the corporation in the long run. These plans are therefore key factors to consider in the line of management, so that the effectiveness of the management is as well brought into focus. An outside member of the management panel can pursue such policies with broad and diverse reasoning that an insider may be limited to generate (Gup 200). In essence, the management panel should be in a position to understand that the corporation is there to make better achievements. Therefore, the management should as well welcome an insider or an outsider in the management board. The issue in managing corporations is not who does what and where he or she is from, but it is all about making the corporation better in its overall welfare. Conflicts of interest are therefore not expected, and it is the responsibility of the entire management team to work together in accordance to the codes of ethics that gover n the corporation (Hirschey, John, Makhija 150). Gup, Benton. Corporate Governance in Banking: A Global Perspective. California: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hirschey, Mark, John Kose, and Makhija Anil. Corporate Governance and Finance Volume 8 of Advances in Financial Economics. Elsevier Book Series on Science Direct, Chicago: Emerald Group Publishing, 2003. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Practice Stress and Intonation for English Students

Practice Stress and Intonation for English Students It is often surprising at how focusing on the stress - timed quality of English helps students improve their pronunciation skills. Students often focus on pronouncing each word correctly and therefore tend to pronounce in an unnatural manner. By focusing on the stress - timed factor in English - the fact that only content words such as proper nouns, principle verbs, adjectives, and adverbs receive the stress - students soon begin sounding much more authentic as the cadence of the language begins to ring true. The following lesson focuses on raising awareness of this issue and includes practice exercises. Aim: Improving pronunciation by focusing on the stress - time nature of spoken English Activity: Awareness raising followed by practical application exercises Level: Pre - intermediate to upper intermediate depending on student needs and awareness Lesson Outline Begin awareness raising activities by reading an example sentence aloud to the students (for example: The boys didnt have time to finish their homework before the lesson began). Read the sentence the first time pronouncing each word carefully. Read the sentence a second time in natural speech.Ask students which reading seemed more natural and why it seemed more natural.Using the ideas students come up with, explain the idea of English being a stress - timed language. If the students speak a syllabic language (such as Italian or Spanish), point out the difference between their own native language and English (theirs being syllabic, English stress - timed). Just this awareness raising can make a dramatic difference in such students abilities.Talk about the differences between stressed words and non-stressed words (i.e. principle verbs are stressed, auxiliary verbs are not).Write the following two sentences on the board:The beautiful Mountain appeared transfixed in the distance.He can c ome on Sundays as long as he doesnt have to do any homework in the evening. Underline the stressed words in both sentences. Ask students to try reading aloud. Point out how each sentence seems to be approximately the same length in stress - time.Ask students to look through the example sentences and underline the words that should be stressed in the worksheet.Circulate about the room asking students to read the sentences aloud once they have decided which words should receive stresses.Review activity as a class - ask students to first read any given sentence with each word pronounced followed by the stress - timed version. Expect a surprise at the quick improvement students make in pronunciation (I am every time I do this exercise)!! Another approach can help students improve their stress and intonation skills is sound scripting. Sound scripting has students highlight content words using a word processor. You can take it one step further with this lesson  helping students learn how to choose the focus word to improve pronunciation. This quiz  on Content or Function Words can be used to help students test their knowledge of which words are function or content words. Pronunciation Help - Sentence Stress Take a look at the following list of stressed and non-stressed word types. Basically, stress words are considered CONTENT WORDS such as Nouns e.g. kitchen, Peter(most) principle verbs e.g. visit, constructAdjectives e.g. beautiful, interestingAdverbs e.g. often, carefully Non-stressed words are considered FUNCTION WORDS such as Determiners e.g. the, a, some, a fewAuxiliary verbs e.g. dont, am, can, werePrepositions e.g. before, next to, oppositeConjunctions e.g. but, while, asPronouns e.g. they, she, us Mark the stressed words in the following sentences. After you have found the stressed words, practice reading the sentences aloud. John is coming over tonight. We are going to work on our homework together.Ecstasy is an extremely dangerous drug.We should have visited some more castles while we were traveling through the back roads of France.Jack bought a new car last Friday.They are looking forward to your visiting them next January.Exciting discoveries lie in Toms future.Would you like to come over and play a game of chess?They have been having to work hard these last few months on their challenging experiment.Shakespeare wrote passionate, moving poetry.As you might have expected, he has just thought of a new approach to the problem.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Psychological anthroplogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Psychological anthroplogy - Essay Example They were brought up to be kept and protected. They received proper training in reading, domestic skills training, simple mythology and had to stay home. Teenage girls were married off to thirty year old men (McGee & Richard, 2004). They did not have the right to select husbands for themselves. Their father selected the husband. Girls were expected to be virgins before their marriage. In Greek culture, women were not considered to be part of family until the first child was born. Adult Greek females belonging to respectable families were instructed to stay at home and weave. They were only allowed to attend religious ceremonies. Young girls and women were active in festivals. Frequently, older women were chosen to attend the gods. She was the only woman who had the permission to serve the gods and offer them food (Alasuutari, 1995). From infancy, Greek boys were expected to receive education and become financially independent. They were sent to school at the age of six and were taugh t to have healthy bodies. At the age of sixteen, they received formal training for their future jobs. They were considered to be the leaders and they were active in politics. Greek men were engaged in several activities which included spending time in fields, looking after crops, hunting or commercial activities. In addition, they enjoyed wrestling, horseback riding, etc (Miller, 2003). Ancient Maya women played a very vital role in Mayan society. Although they were considered to propagate culture through bringing up children, they were also active economical, governmental and farming activities. Maya women in charge of food economy and made sure there was ample supply of deer because ancient Maya consumed meat. In Maya Culture, women and men had different but equal tasks. Maya men were expected to produce food by working in the fields and females used to process these products to make them