Friday, January 3, 2020

I Chose The Top Left Picture Of The Vanity Fair - 1191 Words

In this 21st century where representation and visibility of all groups is valued, it is not surprising to see photos or videos in the media promoting or even advertising â€Å"unique† lifestyle that just a few decades ago would unearthed a feeling of disgust or repulsion. While on one hand some uses media in a positive way, introducing us to new fresher ideas which would’ve been unthinkable before. Suchlike families aside from the traditional nuclear family (e.g. single-parent household, lesbian and gay couples, or eccentric families in general), people of colour taking bolder or positions of leadership, or even simple individuals breaking the barrier of norms. On the other hand, there are those who simply see the media as a lucrative business aimed to spread consumer commodification and vain lifestyle. As I want to focus on the latter, I chose the top left picture of the Vanity Fair (VF) March 2014 issue. This month’s issue’s cover is Jen Selter, fitness model and supposedly an inspiration for many young girls to go to the gym. I can be put in the basket of haters but frankly, I’ve never heard of her and seeing just the magazine with her on the cover, in that position wearing that â€Å"dress† doesn’t appeal to me. She’s wearing a black â€Å"dress† that covers parts that should be, but is showing enough skin to entice curiosity paired with black stilettos. Taking a four-legged animal stance on bland-looking table with a hazy, rugged wall to complete the â€Å"scene†. Honestly speaking, atShow MoreRelated Claude Monet: Grainstack (Sunset) Essay1650 Words   |  7 PagesClaude Monet: Grainstack (Sunset) Claude Monets Grainstack (Sunset) is the painting I chose from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Monet was an impressionist painter in France, and did most of his work at his home at Giverny. Impressionism got its name from a painting that Monet painted, Impression Sunrise. 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